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Here Are Some Jokes For Boys-Kids Boys Jokes Topic: Its Touth Being A Boy You Know!

What happened when the wizard turned a naughty boy into a hare ?

He's still rabbiting on about it !

Did you hear about the boy who wanted to run away to the circus ?

He ended up in a flea circus !

Did you hear about the boy who saw a witch riding on a broomstick ?
He said, 'What are you doing on that ?'
She replied, 'My sister's got the vacuum cleaner '

1st Boy:Are you having a party for your birthday?
2nd boy:No,I'm having a witch do
1st Boy:What's a witch do?
2nd Boy: She flies around on a broomstick casting spells.

What's the matter son?
The boy next door said I look just like you?
What did you say?
Nothing he's bigger than me !

How do you know you are haunted by a parrot?
He keeps on saying ,"Ooo's a pretty boy then?"

Why did the stupid boy wear a turtle neck sweater?
To hide his flea collar.

Why did the boy take an aspirin after hearing a werewolf howl?
Because it gave him a eerie ache.

A little boy came running into the kitchen. 'Dad, dad' he said, 'there's a monster at the door with a really ugly face'
'Tell him you've already got one,' said his father !
Why was the boy unhappy to win the prize for the best costume at the Halloween party ?
Because he just came to pick up his little sister !

Girls Jokes For Kids-Topic:Its Touth Being A Girl You Know?

What happened when the girl dressed as a spoon left the Halloween party ?
No one moved. They couldn't stir without her.

First witch: My, hasn't your little girl grown ?
Second witch: Yes, she's certainly gruesome.

What do you call a top pop group made up of nits ?

The lice girls.

Who was that I saw you with last night ?
It was a girl from school, Teacher.

Didn't have to!

Two girls were having their packed lunch in the school yard. One had an apple and the other said,
'Watch out for worms won't you !'

The first one replied, 'why should I ? They can watch out for themselves.

'What were you before you came to school, girls ?' asked the teacher, hoping that someone would say babies. She was disappointed when all the girls cried out, 'Happy'.

The lice girls.

Teacher: I'd like you to be very quiet today, girls. I've got a dreadful headache. 
Mary: Please, Miss ! why don't you do what mum does when she has a headache ?

Teacher: What's that ?
Mary: She sends us out to play !

'I'm very sad to announce this morning, girls, that Miss Jones has decided to retire,' said the principal at morning assembly. ' Now we will all stand and sing this morning's Thank We All Our God.'

How does a blonde kill a fish ?
She drowns it.

Jane: Do you like me ?
Wayne: As girls go, you're fine and the sooner you go the better !